Dunmore Fort, Callander, Scotland

Set on a knoll on the southern slopes of Ben Ledi, the site is situated on open ground with a steep cliff to the south,  Dunmore was first planned and described by Christine Maclagan in the 1870s, Christison in 1900 and then subsequently resurveyed by RCAHMS at 1:2500 as part of the Marginal Land Survey (Field Visit 10 June 1957).  However, this new survey has allowed a detailed examination of the site, and prepared the way for community investigation.

Read more here:  https://canmore.org.uk/site/24375/dunmore


A topographic survey, and imaging required to understand the the site and allow for the future inveistragi=tion by community projects.  Aerial imaging was essential to place it into landscape context and provide a detailed survey of the site but would require careful flight planning to gather enough height data of the interior.


Forestry and Land Scotland

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